Saturday, July 3, 2010


The mornings I have. Each of them different in soooo many ways, the one thing they all have in common is the ear piercing screams of my child when he doesnt get what he wants. But hey, I cannot entirely blame the boy, he cannot get up and get what he wants himself. Though thats another point, the reason he is screaming bloody murder is because I told him "no" more than once. Now if he were in the position capable of getting what he wanted with his independence.. I would not have the chance to say no, it would require taking crap away, pulling him off/down from things.. I dont know whats worse. The grass is mud covered on both sides of the fence for i have been on both, lol. Living with this ridiculous schedule, asleep at 9:30 and awake at 3:30, Let me tell ya, a three year old with 6 hours of sleep a night and SOMETIMES a nap makes for a cranky boy and cranky mother.
I have literally timed the amount of time I have to start anything in the kitchen before he starts asking for something else, four and a half minutes. That is insanity. I cannot be in two places at once, I cannot make your food and sit with you. Two opposite ends of the house son. I seriously, can not wait until the day when cast is gone and therapy is done and he is back to his independent self. I honestly just hope that it all goes well.

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